
Showing posts from July, 2021

Our Relationship with Technology

     This week, my weekly screen time on my cell phone is down 43%. With a daily average of 2 hours and 51 minutes. To be honest I am disappointed that my daily average is that high. And that’s 43% down? Incredible… I am always trying to make sure my phone screen time gets lower and lower every week. It is tough to do that though since my job incorporates me being on my phone making calls. But I want the best of both worlds. I want to be free of technology while still being able to get anything I want at the touch of my fingers. I know, that doesn’t really make sense now does it? I do appreciate everything technology has given me. Access to any information I want. Updates on current events in an instant. Knowing where a gas station is whenever I need gas, I am truly thankful. But I am always wary on technology having a negative effect on my life. I want to appreciate the life I have in front of me instead of wasting my days away on my cell phone or laptop.       Even though I am alwa

EOTO #2 Propaganda

 What is propaganda? My first memory of this term sparks memories of early childhood history class. Propaganda , by definition, is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Majority of my studies when it has come to propaganda has been about its use when it comes to war. Even in the first starting days of the United States, propaganda has been used in every significant war. The most significant usage of propaganda during war time had to of been during the second world war. Those infamous cartoons of Uncle Sam telling you to do your part always resonates when I hear propaganda.  But in current events, the big use of propaganda in the use of the United States had to be in the last election. Since this is the era of social media, propaganda was everywhere, whether you wanted it or not. Due to everyone's history now being tracked wherever they go on the web, parties knew where their audiences we

Blog Post 10

  The whole idea of everything being tracked and watched on the internet is a scary idea to process. It’s hard to even grasp that idea. Does someone really care that I’m buying some toys for my dog? Is there really someone going to care that I’m buying flowers for my girlfriend? For me, it was hard to believe these occurrences actually happen. But from learning more from the videos posted, I will definitely be more aware about my searches and activities online. The video that resonated with me the most had to be Juan Enriquez’s Ted talk. His talk was about how your online life is as permanent as a tattoo. As he explained, tattoos, for a majority of people, tell stories about their life. But the traces of web searches that you leave are more permanent and detailed than any tattoo you can ever get. Technically, someone could know you better than you know yourself if they went through your total web history. That is scary to think about. I wasn’t scared when I first heard about this. I on

In the Age of AI

 For class, we had to watch a video on Artificial intelligence. Of course I have heard about artificial intelligence, but I have not really done much research on it myself. I never really understood the idea of how artificial intelligence would work. But the video started out explaining how artificial intelligence really works through the coding of deep learning. Deep learning is where the computer is given a specific goal and is given many experiences and trials of how it can complete that goal, in the end making it to that goal in ways a human could not even think of. Overall, there are some positives when it comes to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence in the realms of medicine is going to be a huge help in the future. Not only will it make it easier for the doctor to process information and data, it can start by helping in early detection when it comes to cancers. In terms of national security with the use of artificial intelligence, I believe there are pros and cons.