Blog Post 10

 The whole idea of everything being tracked and watched on the internet is a scary idea to process. It’s hard to even grasp that idea. Does someone really care that I’m buying some toys for my dog? Is there really someone going to care that I’m buying flowers for my girlfriend? For me, it was hard to believe these occurrences actually happen. But from learning more from the videos posted, I will definitely be more aware about my searches and activities online. The video that resonated with me the most had to be Juan Enriquez’s Ted talk. His talk was about how your online life is as permanent as a tattoo. As he explained, tattoos, for a majority of people, tell stories about their life. But the traces of web searches that you leave are more permanent and detailed than any tattoo you can ever get. Technically, someone could know you better than you know yourself if they went through your total web history. That is scary to think about. I wasn’t scared when I first heard about this. I only thought of it as someone having accessibilities to what I buy online. But it’s so much more than that. It can be where you drive to work, who you call, who you text, etc. So my main take away from these videos personally is to be careful of what you post and what you do. When it comes to the government and what their role should be when it comes to security, I can go both ways. I do not want the government to have access to my search history but I also want the government to be able to protect me from foreign and domestic threats when it comes to my technological securities as well. The best way to protect ourselves from external threats is to use secure apps and to be more aware. Never stop learning.


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