My first and always go to for news has to be BBC. Through all the other news sources we have this day and age, I consider BBC to be the most respected, unbiased and most trustworthy. Although it is more world focused since this source is based in England, if there is any major event that ever occurs, I immediately check BBC. Although I am being redundant, BBC in my opinion, is the best source of reliable and unbiased news. 

BBC - Homepage

Another source I like to use is The Economist. It is decently non-partisan and the research and information is very thorough to say the least. Growing up as a kid, my father would ask me to read an article from the economist once a week. I believe not only is it useful for information in terms of the business world but will also just keep you more informed on life as well. Especially since I am tackling my way into the professional world as a talent acquisition specialist, keeping up to date on the economist will only help me out in the long run

The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

Growing up my dad working on wall street, every morning he would read the Wall Street Journal before he started his day at work. Usually he tackled this task on his morning train rides to work. Since it is a news resource I have been so familiar with as a child, I use it as a resource from here and there. Although I did have a conversation with my Uncle recently on how he believed the Wall Street Journal is too biased nowadays to be a dependable resource, I've chosen to look the other way and continue my loyalty to this news resource due to my longtime rapport with it.

The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial & Economic News, World News and Video (

Another news source I use is NPR. I only recently started using this news source to really just double check information I see on BBC and the Wall Street Journal. The reason why I use this outlet is because a lot of my friends told me that's there number one source they use when it comes to news. So I use NPR here and there just to "keep up with the Joneses" in terms of my friends.

NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR

The last source I usually use is Vice News. This kind of source I use just for joy. It is definitely a source of news that millennials and Gen-Z's only use. Whatever I read from Vice News, I take with a grain of salt. Just a nice source to use if you're trying to read something different and mix things up.




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