Reading the article about the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) definitely gave me more incite into a topic I need to learn more about. To begin with, this article was full of facts I never knew about. First off, I always thought that you could only serve as a justice for a specific amount of time, kind of like how our President can only serve for a max of 8 years (that is if they get re-elected for a second term). Learning that a justices can serve for however long they want, unless they get impeached, really puts emphasis on why Presidents care so much about who holds a seat. The most important take away point I learned about the Supreme Court is that this judicial system has the power to make changes to very important laws in our country, whether for better or worse. Some great cases the Supreme Court has had to make improvements to our country are: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) which legalized same sex marriage across all 50 states, and Mapp v Ohio (1961) which held that evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in criminal cases. The most surprising thing I learned from this article would have to be some of the negative cases that were passed by the Supreme Court. For example, in 1857, the Supreme Court denied citizenship to African American slaves. From this article, I learned that even though we have the Supreme Court in place to help make the best moral, correct and ethical decisions for our judicial system, it will not always work out the way it should. Just like human beings, the Supreme Court can never fully be perfect. But over time, I hope one day we as a country can perfect our judicial system.

Supreme Court - HISTORY


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