
Showing posts from June, 2021

Blog Post 8

 The piece of innovation I am choosing to view through the lens of the diffusion theory is online shopping. Before researching, I thought the earliest piece of innovation when it came to online shopping would be in the time frame of the late 1980's to 1990's. But actually, it was first recorded in the 1960's. It was used by IBM on their online transaction processing. It allowed the processing of financial transactions in real time. This system starting out was used by companies like American Airlines. When the emergence of the internet came about, the use of online shopping was more used for advertising companies products. But after 1994, this advertising changed into the online shopping that we know of today. Some of the earliest sales recorded online were linked to flowers, chocolates, even album sales for the famous performer, Sting. The biggest concern in online shopping during its early days was the security. Shoppers did not want to give their information to a random

Blog Post 6

 As instructed by my Professor, I checked out and read websites like The American conservative and First I went on the Anti War website. From first looks, it doesn't seem the most reliable source for information. But of course on should never judge a book by its cover. So I then went in and started going over some of the articles and archives it had on the website. From my first initial interpretations, I realized that this sight comes from a collection of different resources and writers all around the world. All the ads on the website are different and many in different languages. The first article I clicked on from the website was in the recent news link, displaying many different articles that were published either today, yesterday, etc.. I clicked on an article about Turkish police firing tear gas to disperse a Pride March in Istanbul. I know the topic of LGBTQ around the world is still a struggle. From my point of view I just don't understand how and why peopl


  When I read about this EOTO (each one teach one) assignment, I actually got pretty excited. I started a new job this week at a talent acquisition firm. So during my whole first week of training so far we have been using a piece of technology called Bullhorn. I had never heard of it until I started, but since it is something I am currently using I thought it would be a great idea to inform my professor and others about it! For my role as a recruiting specialist, I use Bullhorn every day to help me locate candidates in my talent pool and match the right jobs to them. Without this application, myself and my co- workers would not be able to do our job. Of course I am barely scratching the surface of what this application can truly offer, so I will start from the beginning. In 1999, Bullhorn was founded. It was created by Roger Colvin, Barry Hinckley and Art Papas. When it was first created, Bullhorn was used as a platform for freelancers to find work and collaborate. But in 2001, they ch


Some major topics we have discussed so far in this class have been the six clauses, or freedoms, of the first amendment. In addition, we have also gone over the eight values of free expression. A current event I can easily relate to these topics has to be the storming on the capitol that happened January 6th. What was supposed to be a protest spiraled into a riot, and what others may call a planned coup. Of course, the right to protest is protected in our first amendment. "Of assembly, to Petition". These two clauses of the first amendment made it possible for that gathering to happen. But what the first amendment did not condone was the proceeded storming, breaking and entering, and destruction of government property! That is just a perfect example of one of the 3 bedrock principles which state that the first amendment is not a shield against laws of general applicability. Some rioters tried and are still fighting that they should not be convicted because the President told


 For class, I recently read summaries on the eight values of free expression. In that link, our professor summarized eight theories that scholars used to describe why freedom of expression is so important to us as Americans. These theories were: Marketplace of Ideas, participation in self government, stable change, individual self fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, protect dissent . In these recent times, especially when I think about the presidency of Donald Trump, not only did these theories resonate in certain ways, but also made me think about all the trouble that has come about. The theory I think about the most after reading the link is the Stable Change theory. As it stated in the link, the idea behind the stable change (aka safety valve) is, “ It has been suggested that a society in which angry and alienated citizens are allowed to speak their mind, or "vent," will be more stable, as people will be less likely to resort t


Reading the article about the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) definitely gave me more incite into a topic I need to learn more about. To begin with, this article was full of facts I never knew about. First off, I always thought that you could only serve as a justice for a specific amount of time, kind of like how our President can only serve for a max of 8 years (that is if they get re-elected for a second term). Learning that a justices can serve for however long they want, unless they get impeached, really puts emphasis on why Presidents care so much about who holds a seat. The most important take away point I learned about the Supreme Court is that this judicial system has the power to make changes to very important laws in our country, whether for better or worse. Some great cases the Supreme Court has had to make improvements to our country are: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) which legalized same sex marriage across all 50 states, and Mapp v Ohio (1961) which held that


 My first and always go to for news has to be BBC . Through all the other news sources we have this day and age, I consider BBC to be the most respected, unbiased and most trustworthy. Although it is more world focused since this source is based in England, if there is any major event that ever occurs, I immediately check BBC. Although I am being redundant, BBC in my opinion, is the best source of reliable and unbiased news.  BBC - Homepage Another source I like to use is The Economist.  It is decently non-partisan and the research and information is very thorough to say the least. Growing up as a kid, my father would ask me to read an article from the economist once a week. I believe not only is it useful for information in terms of the business world but will also just keep you more informed on life as well. Especially since I am tackling my way into the professional world as a talent acquisition specialist, keeping up to date on the economist will only help me out in the long run Th

Introduce Ourselves

 Hey guys! My name is Joe Creen and I am from Old Greenwich, CT. I am majoring in Business Administration and minor in sales. In my studies at High Point University, I am mainly focusing on the sales aspect since that is the career path I want to take in life. Outside of class, I like to focus on outdoors activities, working out and spending time with my friends and family. Summer is here so when I am not working or doing school work I'm best to find near any body of water. After HPU, I would love to find a job that would be a lasting fit for future growth. Pretty much looking to find a company that I could possibly retire with haha. My favorite food would have to be sushi. If it's top grade seafood, I will go with sashimi any day. I hope this gives all you more insight into who I am. Excited to get this class started!